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Burrell Behavioral Health celebrates Inclusion Month throughout June

Everyone deserves the right to feel included and celebrated.

For Site Illuminating Inclusion

Burrell Behavioral Health's Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion is excited to elevate the many celebrations the month of June has to offer including Juneteenth, Pride Month, National Caribbean-American Heritage Month, National Puerto Rican Day Parade, Father’s Day, Summer Solstice, and others. These noted events are all rich with history and culture, and help create the diverse tapestry of our country.

In June, it is important to illuminate the fact that we are all more alike than we are different. Everyone deserves the right to feel included and celebrated. No matter what we choose to celebrate or learn about, we can each challenge ourselves to “Illuminate Inclusion” this month by seeing through a new lens, diving into an unknown element of history, or considering a new aspect of one of the many celebrations June invites us to explore. Most importantly, we can strive to make a human connection and engage with our community, create opportunities for interactions and conversations, and foster a continued commitment of allyship.

Below, we've created a list of resources related to LGBTQIA+ issues that are important for all of us in the healthcare setting as we dedicate our organization to providing a safe space for all who seek our care, and those who provide it.

  • Ending Conversion Therapy: Supporting and Affirming LGBTQ Youth – A report that presents therapeutic practices related to youth, and sexual orientation and gender identity. These practices are based on research, clinical expertise, and expert consensus. The report makes the case for eliminating the use of conversion therapy among youth.
  • A Provider’s Introduction to Substance Abuse Treatment for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Individuals – A manual that informs clinicians and administrators about substance abuse treatment approaches that are sensitive to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) clients. Covers cultural, clinical, health, administrative, and legal issues as well as alliance building.
  • A Practitioner’s Resource Guide: Helping Families to Support Their LGBT Children – A resource guide that offers information and resources to help practitioners throughout health and social service systems implement best practices in engaging and helping families and caregivers to support their lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) children.
  • Helping Families Support Their Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Children (PDF | 897 KB) – A report that provides information about sexual orientation and gender identity to help friends, family, and other adults support LGBT children and adolescents. It reports research findings from the Family Acceptance Project at San Francisco University and includes research on the impact of families on their LGBT children’s health, mental health, and well-being. It also provides ways ethnically, religiously, and socially diverse families, parents, and caregivers can support their LGBT children. Family materials and provider tools such as education materials, assessment and policy resources, research publications, and gender spectrum education and training materials are presented.

Here, we’ve compiled a list of events in all of our regions (and beyond) for Pride Month and Juneteenth celebrations.

Pride Month Events
Southwest Region

  • July 9: Ozarks Pridefest (Springfield)
    • Springfield groups have moved their Pride celebrations from June to avoid conflict with Juneteenth events.

Central Region

Kansas City

Northwest Arkansas


Juneteenth Events


Kansas City

Northwest Arkansas


We are so excited to see the growth and connection that happens throughout this month as we “Illuminate Inclusion” together!


24-Hour Crisis Line

If you or a loved one is experiencing a mental health or substance-use crisis, please call our toll-free 24-hour telephone line. Our team can help provide immediate assistance.

Southwest Missouri: 1-800-494-7355

Central Missouri: 1-800-395-2132

National Help Line: Call or Text 988