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Residential Services

Youth Residential Services

We provide residential services for youths aged 8-17 who experience challenges resulting from serious mental illness.

Youth Residential Services

Parenting and all the pressure we feel to do the right thing for our children can quickly become overwhelming, especially with vulnerability factors, such as experiences of trauma, living in a chaotic environment, or living with a serious mental illness. These additional levels of stress can make it extremely difficult for families to feel effective in caring for their child. You can be assured, there is hope and we are here to help. The professional staff at Burrell has years of success working with families, children and adolescents. We are here to support your family, help you address the issues that contribute to a stressful home life and help you develop connections and healthy practices that will impact your child's success at school, at home and in the community.


Burrell’s Residential Services provide much more than conventional treatment—they immerse youth in evidenced-based best practices offered in a natural home and school setting. By coordinating targeted therapeutic programs and the normalcy of home and school environments, we are able to help youth develop trust, build self-esteem, and actively participate in their behavioral health treatment.

How it Works

Youth enrolled in Burrell’s Residential Services typically have a history of trauma and challenging social environments. Before admission to our residential program, we complete a thorough assessment to make a determination on the appropriate level of care. Our philosophy is that we always provide the least restrictive level of care that is appropriate. While youth are in our residential care, services provided may include: individual therapy, family therapy, group therapy, psychiatric services, case management, nursing, and educational support.

Frequently Asked Questions

What ages are eligible for this service?

Burrell’s Milano House program provides residential services for youth ages 13 to 17.9. Burrell can also determine eligibility for placement at other approved programs for youth ages 8-12.

Will I have to pay for this service?

Youth Residential Services is a Medicaid-funded program. If your child is covered by Medicaid, they may be eligible for full funding of residential services.

What if I do not have insurance?

If you do not have insurance, we can help you explore options.

Do I have to attend the appointments?

Visits, passes home, and family therapy are vital components of a psychiatric residential treatment program.

Getting Started

Youth Residential Services begin with a referral to our team for review. After you receive a referral, we will perform an assessment to determine if your child or family will likely benefit from our program and meets program criteria. There are several steps in the referral and eligibility process, which our care team will help guide you through these requirements.

Am I Covered?

Youth Residential Services is a Medicaid-funded program. If your child is covered by Medicaid, they would be covered, if it was determined this program was a good fit for your child.

Call Us Today

Screenings can be scheduled by phone at 417-761-5000.

24-Hour Crisis Line

If you or a loved one is experiencing a mental health or substance-use crisis, please call our toll-free 24-hour telephone line. Our team can help provide immediate assistance.

Southwest Missouri: 1-800-494-7355

Central Missouri: 1-800-395-2132

National Help Line: Call or Text 988