Facebook Medicaid Renewals | Burrell Behavioral Health

Will Medicaid renewals affect you?

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With emergency provisions due to the COVID-19 pandemic ending, the continuous enrollment provision enacted by Congress for Medicaid will cease. Thousands in our state could be at risk of losing Medicaid, known in Missouri as MO HealthNet.

This is because Medicaid plans will revert to redetermination, also known as an annual renewal, a process states use to ensure that enrollees continue to be eligible for Medicaid coverage. Missouri and other states restarted Medicaid eligibility renewals on April 1.

The process begins with a renewal notice in the mail. MO HealthNet, Missouri’s Medicaid program manager, sends individuals paperwork in the mail to help participants complete their renewals on time.

While some Missourians will be familiar with the annual renewal process, this will be a new experience for anyone who qualified for MO HealthNet for the first time after January 2020. And for some, the annual renewal process isn’t something they’ve had to do for several years.

Burrell Behavioral Health wants to help Missourians stay informed of this change. They’ve provided four recommendations for you to take action on:

1) Report changes

To be ready for annual renewal, it is recommended current recipients update their address with the Family Support Division, a part of the Missouri Department of Social Services. If you’ve moved in the last three years it is especially important you do this. You can also update your phone number, email address and report any new members of your household. You can get started right now by making sure your contact information is up to date.

2) Watch the mail

An annual renewal form or letter will arrive in the mail, with information pre-populated, 55 days before a Missourian’s annual renewal is due. This will happen between April 2023 and April 2024, depending on when your coverage ends. This letter will tell individuals what, if anything, they need to do next. Don't miss this letter! Make sure your address is up to date by visiting myDSS.mo.gov and selecting, “Report A Change.”

4) Check for and respond to updates

While annual renewals restarted in April, not everyone will be required to complete their annual renewal in the same month. Missouri’s Family Support Division will attempt to contact participants directly the month their annual renewal is due by mail, email, text and phone. They will send continuous email reminders throughout the month to participants who have signed up for email alerts.

4) Help spread the word

Many Missourians will be affected by this change to programs funded jointly by the federal government and state government. Medicaid helps individuals with limited resources – including many Burrell clients -- pay for healthcare services, like visits to a doctor and for medicine. Sharing news about Medicaid annual renewals returning is a great way to help.


24-Hour Crisis Line

If you or a loved one is experiencing a mental health or substance-use crisis, please call our toll-free 24-hour telephone line. Our team can help provide immediate assistance.

Southwest Missouri: 1-800-494-7355

Central Missouri: 1-800-395-2132

National Help Line: Call or Text 988