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Helping families thrive through recovery.

IMPART Program

IMPART (Infant, Mother and Prenatal Assessment and Recovery Team)

The Next Step Starts Together

From their first steps, to their biggest milestones, we always want to be there for our kids. But sometimes we don’t always have the support we need to thrive. That’s why IMPART (Infant, Mother and Prenatal Assessment and Recovery Team) provides a safe, non-judgmental space where our team of experts can empower you through recovery, while building important life and parenting skills. With a coordinated specialty care team addressing behavioral health and substance-use disorders, Burrell can help pregnant and new parents receive care that can reduce or prevent Children’s Division involvement and their children’s stay in foster care. That way you can always be there, every step of the way.

IMPART Program Overview

Through the Infant, Mother & Prenatal Assessment & Recovery Team (IMPART) Program, the goal is to provide services to help parents and their children stay together. The following services are offered to parents from pregnancy through eight years after the birth of the child:

  • Medication-assisted treatment (MAT)
  • Group and/or individual counseling
  • Parenting classes and support
  • Education on child development
  • Crisis intervention
  • Mental health and substance use assessment and treatments
  • Connecting with prenatal, dental and health care services
  • Accessing child care, housing and other resources
  • Supported employment and education services
  • Ages and stages questionnaire- ASQ3 and ASQ-SE (Social and Emotional)

IMPART is designed to be an intensive treatment program. Clients in IMPART are seen an average of two to three times per week. Services are available in the evenings, weekends and on holidays and a staff member is on call at all times for the program. Your care team may include a team lead, psychiatrist, registered nurse, employment specialist, co-occurring disorder specialist, marriage and family therapist, community support specialist, peer support specialist and a program assistant.

  • Client must be a parent who is expecting or parenting a child up to age eight years of age
  • Client must live within Boone County or Springfield city limits; possible exceptions for Greene County residents
  • Client must have an eligible mental health diagnosis
  • Client must have a current substance-use issue or a history of recent use
  • Client must be receiving Medicaid or be Medicaid-eligible

This program is for individuals with Medicaid or who are eligible for Medicaid. You can confirm coverage by contacting our Benefits and Eligibility team at 417-761-5240.

From our CEO

Having a safe, supportive, non-judgmental environment pre- and post-partum has been cited by many women as helpful to their general well-being and can significantly reduce out-of-home placements for a child.

How to

Get Started

Reach out to us today to get started. The IMPART team will set up a screening to meet with you at home, in the community, or at one of our offices. Use the information below to call, walk in or email.

Southwest Missouri: 417-761-5728
Central Missouri: 573-777-8353

If you or a loved one is experiencing a mental health or substance-use crisis, please call our toll-free 24-hour telephone line. Our team can help provide immediate assistance.

Southwest Missouri: 1-800-494-7355

Central Missouri: 1-800-395-2132

National Help Line: Call or Text 988