Facebook Adult Therapy | Burrell Behavioral Health

Therapy & Counseling

Individual Adult Therapy

At the end of the day, therapy is about opening a dialogue. Let's chat about what we can do to connect you with a path to a healthier you.

Adult Therapy Overview

Life doesn’t always dole out challenges one at a time, in an orderly fashion. And some challenges in life are more impactful on our emotional health than others. Whether you have one struggle, three, or five concerns compounding on each other - our team is here to help. The professional staff at Burrell have years of successful experience working with adults facing a variety of concerns.

Two people smile with their arms around each other.


Starting a conversation with one of our staff about the unique challenges in your life is often the first step toward a fresh perspective and healing. Our staff is trained in several evidence-based approaches to adult therapy. We will work to find the right approach for you. Whether you need to break up old thought patterns, establish new routines or work through trauma, we can be a support and help you take steps toward a healthier you.

Therapeutic Treatment Options for Adults


Access the Care You Need

To access this service, take the first step of visiting one of the Burrell walk-in clinics near you. Our team will evaluate and assess the client's needs and identify the appropriate service for that person. Burrell walk-in clinics file insurance information and applications for financial assistance and schedule follow up appointments to start clients in proper care. Click the link below to find the walk-in clinics serving your area, see hours and find more information. Call 417-761-5000 with any questions.

View Walk-In Clinics
24-Hour Crisis Line

If you or a loved one is experiencing a mental health or substance-use crisis, please call our toll-free 24-hour telephone line. Our team can help provide immediate assistance.

Southwest Missouri: 1-800-494-7355

Central Missouri: 1-800-395-2132

National Help Line: Call or Text 988